Outside play is a crucial aspect of the positive developmental environment of the pre-school. Nelmes Pre-School has a designated outdoor play area and we operate a policy of providing an enabling environment – where children use outside areas in a variety of weather.

It is an expectation of the EYFS that children should experience all activities in all weathers and parents should help support their child by dressing them appropriately ie. safe and sensible footwear, providing named hats, jackets, coats and children should be sensibly attired for all weathers especially in winter.

Procedures for Outside Play

1. Before using the designated outside play area, we complete a health and safety check ie. check the area for faeces and any other undesirable items and to check that the fences are secure, doubled where necessary and are in good repair.

2. When there is summer sun all children should be sun creamed (prior to attending pre-school) and wear a hat. In winter they should wear clothing appropriate to the weather.

3. Staff should look after themselves too. In summer use sun cream and wear a hat and in winter always have warm clothing to wear.

4. Ensure good supervision of the area. Members of staff should be present on all outside fences.

5. Ensure that structured play is in the shade on hot sunny days.

6. Ensure that any new activity for outside play is introduced into group time first.

7. Ensure that children learn how to tidy away after each session.

