
To provide a healthy and safe environment for all children.

We cannot accept any child who is unwell or who has had a serious infectious illness.

Consent for emergency treatment forms are located on the child’s Registration Form.

Procedure – Control of illness

There may be occasions when a child is not so ill as to require medical care but nevertheless daycare would be unsuitable. If a child arrives at the setting and the Manager/Deputy Manager does not consider a child well enough to attend, the parent/carers will be advised accordingly. We will make every effort to stop the spread of infection within the setting but can only do this with the co-operation of parent/carers. Here is a list of the most common childhood ailments that are infectious and we have included the recommended exclusion period.

• Coughs, colds and sore throats – we appreciate that children often pick up cold viruses without being ill and accept they do not need to stay away from the setting, however, if they have a raised temperature, continued cough, or are unable to eat, then exclusion will be necessary for 48 hours.

• Any child with sickness or diarrhoea must be kept away from the setting for at least 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and / or diarrhoea

• Children that have the following illnesses may not attend setting until completely cleared.  This policy overrules government guidance.

.         Conjunctivitis

.         Hand, Foot and Mouth

.         Chicken Pox

• Temperatures – any child with a raised temperature, even if not accompanied by any other symptoms, should be kept away for 48hours.


Further information as to the exclusion period for children regarding Infection Control can be found at The Health Protection Agency website within the document entitled “Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Child Care Settings” available at:

Illness – action for staff

• If a child becomes unwell during a session, make them comfortable in a quiet place and keep under observation, noting any changes in condition. Very sick children will not be left unattended. If there is a danger of vomiting, give a bowl or bucket.

• Contact the child’s parent/carer and give them precise details of the child’s condition. Discuss with them the best course of action, eg. to collect the child.

• Ask the parent/carer to keep their child at home until they have recovered.

• If a parent/carer says that their child has been unwell but now seems to have recovered, ask for exact details, remind them that our policy is to ask them not to send a child to the setting for 48 hours after the final episode.

Ongoing medical needs

For chronic illnesses eg. Asthma or children with special medical needs, we will administer, as necessary, any medication. A record will be made of the time and parents will be asked to acknowledge this with their signature. This will be in accordance with the setting’s Medication Policy.
Serious illness
If a child should suddenly become seriously ill during the duration of the group, we will immediately seek medical attention. The setting will follow its Serious Accident and Emergency Procedure in the First Aid Policy and Procedure. 


Riddor 95 means the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995, which came into force on 1 April 1996.

Reportable diseases include certain poisonings, some skin diseases, lung diseases, infections such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, anthrax, legionellosis and tetanus. If you are unsure ask a Health Professional for advice or refer to the RIDDOR web-site on

You must keep a record, which includes the date and method of reporting, the date, time and place of event, the personal details of those involved and a brief description of the nature of the event or disease. Use your incident book.

As well as reporting the outbreak to RIDDOR, notify Ofsted if you are a registered childcare provider.

Ofsted: 03001231231

Riddor Incident Contact Centre
Caerphilly Business Park
CF83 3GG.

Tel: 0845 300 99 23

